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7 times IVP Champions and 8 times POL-ITE Champions

More and more!!!

Hey guys, hope those who came for today's training enjoyed horizontal stack training. Seems like many of you are starting to get it. Great job.

Just to summarize the debrief matters that were announced:

1) Climb and run will cost $5 per person. Even in a relay, I believe the cost is $10 bucks for the two participants. We still encourage you to join, as cramping together will help bond. Also, CCA points are awarded and there are MANY sponsors coming down on that day with event tees and drinks and whatnot. Get your forms and make your payment to LB please.

2) Ultimate Frisbee Carnival. Details of the forms, gameplay, and everything else will be finalized by the seniors by next Monday. However, the booths for publicizing the event may be set up as early as next monday. I have received 5 volunteers to cover for tuesday both morning and afternoon. However, I have none for Monday. The shift timings are 9.30 am to 1 pm, and 1 pm to 4 pm. I would like to ask for volunteers to man the booth on Monday. No excuse letters will be given but your enthusiasm at promoting our sport in NYP will be very much appreciated by the Student Affairs Office and your seniors. Please let me know your name, handphone number and time that you are available by email at loketc@yahoo.com



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